Is cooperation a good value to frame vaccination? Like "vaccination is a way for citizens to cooperate and help each other".

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I can think of few words that are more "freighted" than freedom. In the 1960's it had a specific meaning for the left: individualism, "doing my own thing," "freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose," freedom from conformity. (I don't mean to ignore the deeper meaning in the context of civil rights.) Now... a particularly virulent form of hyper-individualism has co-opted the word. And, if you don't agree with their interpretation, you are characterized as a member of the "sheeple": sheep-people who never question authority and are destined for the slaughterhouse. Beyond that one word, though, is the great "epistemic crisis" that's been unfolding for a while now. The question, I think, we should all be asking is this: How do we step back from the brink... when there are people who actually believe Trump is still president and that this or that Democrat actually "eats children"? This is the great challenge of our time. And it directly effects every other challenge: the environment... etc. Thanks, George, for all that you do.

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Is it possible to deprogram conservatives before they cause harm to themselves or others?

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"Freedom" is one of those abstract nouns that we "fill up" with meaning. I wonder how it is even possible to lump conservatives into possessing one frame--one shared set of relevant connotations. I have exceptionally conservative relatives and in-laws who assert "freedom" as an individual right, but given their differences in identity, I'm unsure that they would all connect the word to the same connotations, and then connect those connotations appropriate behaviors or policies. If differences exist, then we have to identify them before we can engage in shared community, which means at least a shared partial identity.

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Please include a transcription with the podcast. Helps for people like me who can't currently hear anything. Thank you.

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